Fly Formerly Known As Prince Nymph – BH


This classic nymph imitates many natural nymphs, and its beadhead gives it just enough weight to let you get it down deeper than a regular nymph. Swing this fly in riffles or runs to imitate many different types of mayflies, or fish it to prospect for trout.

This classic nymph imitates many natural nymphs, and its beadhead gives it just enough weight to let you get it down deeper than a regular nymph. Swing this fly in riffles or runs to imitate many different types of mayflies, or fish it to prospect for trout. A great nymph with a touch of flash to attract trout, it’s a must-have nymph for any fly box.


18, 16, 14, 12


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Fly Formerly Known As Prince Nymph – BH