Trico Spinner – Rusty


Throughout the country on many rivers Trico spinner falls offer some of the most consistent and predictable dry fly fishing we have. Many rivers will start seeing Trico activity almost daily starting in mid-summer and continuing into the fall.

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Throughout the country on many rivers Trico spinner falls offer some of the most consistent and predictable dry fly fishing we have. Many rivers will start seeing Trico activity almost daily starting in mid-summer and continuing into the fall. Trico duns hatch very early or late in the day and although the hatch can provide good fishing the light is often poor. The life of the adults spans just a few hours, during which time they transform into the reproductive spinner stage, mate, lay eggs and die, floating down the river as the spent winged spinners


12, 14, 16, 18, 20


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Trico Spinner – Rusty