Mid-West Starter Kit


Zebra Midge - Black BH × 3

The Zebra Midge is one of the most effective midge patterns out there.  It is so simple, but still very effective.

Primrose and Pearl BH × 3

This IS our most effective midge larva pattern/color by far! Midge patterns are an essential part to any fly fishermen’s box.

Caddis Larva - Olive × 3

Caddis larvae are an easily overlooked but important part of a trout’s diet on many streams and rivers. Olive and Tan caddis larvae in particular are often found in fast riffles in small- to medium-sized streams.

Scud - Gray BH × 3

Scuds are an important food source for trout on most Western tail waters. Scuds tend to be more active when light is low so fishing them early and late in the day and on overcast days is the most successful strategy.

Scud - Tan BH × 3

Scuds are an important food source for trout on most Western tail waters. Scuds tend to be more active when light is low so fishing them early and late in the day and on overcast days is the most successful strategy.

Copper John - Red BH × 3

The Copper John overall is a relatively good imitation for many types of mayfly nymphs, but in general the Copper John can imitate just about any of the aquatic insects in their nymphal stage.

Zebra Midge - Blue Holographic BH × 3

The Zebra Midge is one of the most effective midge patterns out there . Thats why we have a color variation in BLUE . This Midge  is so simple, but still very effective.  The Zebra Midge can be tied in many different colors and sizes.

Prince Nymph - BH × 3

Easily ranked one of the top 10 fly fishing nymphs of all time along with the Hare's Ear, the Zug Bug, and the Pheasant Tail. Very well-defined profile is unmistakable and fish take it with abandon. Generally used in fast water as a stonefly imitation, these nymphs are an attractor that can draw strikes anywhere and can be used in warm-water as well.

Elk Hair Caddis - Tan × 3

The elk wing caddis dry fly is one of the most popular and proven dry flies in the world. The dry fly pattern imitates the natural caddis, one of the most prolific insects across North America that trout feed on. This dry fly always appears on the 10-20 most popular flies of all time so make sure you have them in your fly box.

Elk Hair Caddis - Tan × 3

The elk wing caddis dry fly is one of the most popular and proven dry flies in the world. The dry fly pattern imitates the natural caddis, one of the most prolific insects across North America that trout feed on. This dry fly always appears on the 10-20 most popular flies of all time so make sure you have them in your fly box.

Soft Hackle - Orange No BH × 3

The soft hackle is one of the most over looked and under used flies in the fly fisherman's fly box. Mostly because fly fisherman are unsure how to fish them.  Honestly you can't choose a wrong method, whether it be dead drifting or stripping them.

Soft Hackle - Olive No BH × 3

The soft hackle is one of the most over looked and under used flies in the fly fisherman's fly box. Mostly because fly fisherman are unsure how to fish them.

Crackleback - Red Holographic × 3

The best trout fly ever! Created in 1952 by Ed Story, this is the go to fly when the fishing gets tough. It is a dry fly, it is a wet fly . . . on many waters you will find it is the only fly you need.  Make sure you pick up every color of the Crackleback assortment! The bright holographic color can be seen by trout far off in the distance.

Crackleback - Brown × 3

Ed Story, of St. Louis is the creator of the crackleback. This is a pattern that is amazingly effective at times. Fish them as a dry or strip under the surface, swing them or just dead drift them under an indicator.  Fishing them subsurface often produces better results than on top.  Check out our weighted crackleback option.

Crackleback - Tan × 3

The best trout fly ever! Created in 1952 by Ed Story, this is the go to fly when the fishing gets tough. It is a dry fly, it is a wet fly . . . on many waters you will find it is the only fly you need.  Make sure you pick up every color of the Crackleback assortment!

Griffith's Gnat - Grizzly Hackle × 3

This dry fly pattern represents a cluster of adult midges mating.  Awesome pattern when a midge hatch takes place! Midge patterns are an essential part to any fly fishermen’s box.

San Juan Worm - Red × 3

The San Juan Worm most often represents aquatic worms called annelids.  These worms live in almost every river in some form around the globe, and they fish great when flows bump up due to rain or runoff.

Cerise Worm - Weighted × 3

Wooly Bugger - Blue Streak BH × 3

The "Blue Streak" Bugger is a great Wooly Bugger pattern to use on Missouri streams and has proven productive out West.

Wooly Bugger - Crystal/Black BH × 3

The black wooly bugger is the standard for all buggers but now you add flash to it and you have up'ed your game.  Don't be without it - add it to your fly box.

Wooly Bugger - Crystal/Olive BH × 3

The olive wooly bugger is a favorite color for trout fly fishers but now you add a little flash to the fly and LOOK OUT!  This one is a killer.

Wooly Bugger - Olive BH × 3

The Olive wooly bugger is a trout fly fisher's favorite color.  The beadhead gets this fly down where the big fish are!!

Category: Tags: ,

This is a starter kit for many of the flies used to fish for trout in the Mid-West. it Contains 3 of each fly (please note size and color many vary based on availability):

Zebra Midge – Black    #18                                             Primrose and Pearl      #18

Caddis Olive   #18                                                               Scud Beadhead – Grey #16

Scud Beadhead – Tan #16                                          Copper John – Red Beadhead #16

Zebra Midge – Royal Blue #18                                  Prince Nymph – Beadhead #16

Elk Hair Caddis – Tan #14                                           Elk Hair Caddis – Tan #16

Soft Hackle – Orange #16                                           Soft Hackle – Olive #16

Crackleback – Red Holographic #16                 Crackleback -Royal Blue #14

Crackleback – Brown #16                                           Griffith’s Gnat – Grizzly Hackle #18

San Juan Worm – Red #16                                          Cerise Worm – Red #12

Wooly Bugger – Blue Streak #10

Wooly Bugger Beadhead  – Black/Crystal #10

Wooly Bugger Beadhead  – Olive/Crystal #12

Wooly Bugger Beadhead  – Olive #10

Zebra Midge - Black BH



Primrose and Pearl BH



Caddis Larva - Olive



Scud - Gray BH



Scud - Tan BH



Copper John - Red BH



Zebra Midge - Blue Holographic BH



Prince Nymph - BH



Elk Hair Caddis - Tan



Elk Hair Caddis - Tan



Soft Hackle - Orange No BH



Soft Hackle - Olive No BH



Crackleback - Red Holographic



Crackleback - Brown



Crackleback - Tan



Griffith's Gnat - Grizzly Hackle



San Juan Worm - Red



Cerise Worm - Weighted



Wooly Bugger - Blue Streak BH



Wooly Bugger - Crystal/Black BH



Wooly Bugger - Crystal/Olive BH



Wooly Bugger - Olive BH




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Mid-West Starter Kit